//////// Magnolia Lane Consulting ////////


I help people and organizations clearly define goals, clearly understand and define the current situation, and develop and execute appropriately detailed plans to best achieve the desired result, regardless of whether they initially thought it possible.  This is done in an extremely time and cost-effective manner.

As a facilitator, coach, organizer and leader of teams and groups and as a manager, my skills span a great dynamic range, as the situation requires.  I bring a sense of excitement, fun and involvement to groups.  Even years later, people remember and apply the lessons learned in my sessions and workshops and from my coaching.

I have extensive experience in conflict resolution, both individually and organizationally.  An excellent mediator, I am trusted by clients to look at situations objectively and to support them in getting the results they want.


Barry Sagotsky

Executive Coach / Management Consultant


Magnolia Lane Consulting

85 Magnolia Lane

Princeton, N. J. 08540


Office:      609-924-7791  

Cell:         609-915-7638

Fax:         609-924-2246

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Magnolia Lane Consulting / Barry.Sagotsky@Verizon.net / O: 609-924-7791 / C: 609-915-7638 / F: 609-924-2246