Magnolia Lane Consulting


Client: Sales Training Organization

Need: Program design and delivery, train the trainer

Project: Included Consultative Sales skills, Account strategy, product knowledge, integration of all three prior areas, consultative negotiation skills.  Group Selling and Presentation Skills were also facilitated.

Outcome: Worked with numerous financial services organizations, energy, transportation, etc. Barry also assisted in the design of original programs. Helped close several accounts via public seminars and train the trainer.

//// Management trainING ////

Client: Vice President

         Human Resources

Need: The organization was interested in providing training on employee diversity to US employees. 

Project: Barry was asked to explore solutions and implement a training solution.  He assembled a team of HR managers, legal and EEO and prepared a plan, including communication with key stakeholders in HR and the organization, procured corporate funding and reviewed with the team all available options, settling on a multimedia solution that focused on diversity as a business issues differentiated from other available training on EEO and Affirmative Action.

Outcome: Hundreds of employees trained. HR managers were trained as faculty. The program was engaging enough so that participants asked for and were afforded a monthly forum to continue discussions for a year after attending.

Client: Vice President

         Marketing and Sales

Need: Address and manage Sex harassment in field sales forces

Project: Barry assembled a team including key consultants. A highly interactive and coherent training program was produced, including an original award winning video, custom simulation and system for education for all 140 field sales managers.

Outcome: The program was exceptionally well received (standing ovation) and requests were received and fulfilled for the program from other functional areas.

Client: President

         US business

Need: Consistent and comprehensive education for new product managers.  Between turnover and a quickly growing product portfolio, the prior method of having product managers spend time first in the field, then in market research, was no longer viable.

Project: Barry contracted for, managed the creation of a custom Computer Based Training system (mid 1990s) – interactive and having a simulation at the end of 13 modules which all had to be completed prior to a specified time on the job.  Laptops with CD players (new technology at the time) were obtained and made available for people new to the position.

Client: Vice President

         Human Resources Research and Development

Need: Orientation Program for all new exempt hires.

Project: Create team of VPs of functional areas. Determine and produce program and content book of over 200 pages.

Outcome: Part of the outcome was delivery of quarterly two-half day programs utilizing the same VPs as faculty.

Client: Large Food Company

Need: Provide training program and train the trainer for US business model change to SBUs. 

Project: Create training program coherent enough and simple enough to be delivered by astute managers with varied facilitation experience.  Train volunteer managers to deliver the program without professional support.

Outcome: All train the trainer successfully completed in planned time frame. All change management training successfully completed by senior management acting as trainers.

Barry has also been involved in numerous management and executive training solutions, with clients in financial services, pharmaceuticals, transportation, energy, chemical, package delivery, military and telecommunications in addition to managing training functions in two large companies.

Magnolia Lane Consulting / / O: 609-924-7791 / C: 609-915-7638 / F: 609-924-2246

Client: Director of Management and Executive Training

Need: Residential program for company presidents and Vice presidents focused on performance and potential – consistent standards and practices globally to meet succession planning needs

Project: Create 5 day program focused on goal setting, performance management, performance appraisal and potential – inclusive of succession planning.  Individuals were coached as needed throughout the session as well as provided general information in plenary sessions. Barry participated in design and was on faculty for over a year.

Outcome: Improved development for executives and consistently applied process for evaluation, performance management and succession planning globally.

//// Executive Education ////